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The Census counts every person and household in Australia. The information collected in the Census helps inform important services and support for people and communities right around Australia. The data from the 2021 Census will be more important than ever. It will provide valuable insights into how the pandemic has changed life in Australia.

Every person in Australia needs to be included in the Census, so that Census data is as accurate as possible. This includes visitors to Australia, international students and babies.


There are a number of ways to complete the Census or get Census materials.

  • This year you can start your Census online with or without a Census number. From 24 July, the ‘Get a Census number’ option will be available on the Census website. This provides the option to start your form without needing to input your Census number from your instruction letter.
  • The Census website and online form has been designed to support assistive technologies.
  • Braille or large print forms can be requested from the Census Contact Centre by 1800 512 441
  • Audio files and Auslan videos for all Census questions, and guidance on how to answer them, are available on the Censuss website.
  • The National Relay Service, including video relays will be available to assist with calls (see National Relay Service for details on how to use the service).
  • Assistance in languages other than English and Auslan is available through the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Please visit the Census website for more information about support available to complete the Census.